1.现今气候变化对我国东部季风区降水时空分布格局的影响机理研究; 2.岩溶地貌区域水文、物质循环和生态研究(主要基于岩溶洞穴现代监测工作); 3.洞穴石笋与过去气候变化研究; 4.历史特征时段人地关系研究;
教育经历 / Education
2.2016.09-2018.09,美国University of Texas at San Antonio,地质系,自然地理学,博士(联合培养);期间,多次赴美国University of Minnesota (Twin Cities),地质与地球物理系,访问交流,累计在该校学习时间有9个月;
2.2020.09 至今,湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院,硕士生导师;
3.2019.09 至2022.12,湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院,讲师;
学术成果 / Academic achievements |
1.Li Yunxia, Qin Qianqian, Tian Yiping, Li Jiayan, Yang Chenxi, Peng Shiyin, Shi Fuxi, and Rao Zhiguo*. Newly-found ferns in an artificially illuminated deep karst cave have the most negative known carbon isotope values, Science Bulletin, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2024.01.001.
2.Li Yunxia, Guang Kaiyue, Tian Lijun, Tian Yiping, Li Jiayan, Yang Chenxi, and Rao Zhiguo*. Re-evaluation of the effects of precipitation amount and temperature on precipitation δ18O at the monthly and interannual timescales, Journal of Water & Climate Change, 2023, 14(6):1816.
3.Rao Zhiguo*, Yiping Tian, Kaiyue Guang, Shikai Wei, Haichun Guo, Zixian Feng, Lin Zhao, Li Yunxia*. Pollen data as a temperature indicator in the late Holocene: A review of results on regional, continental and global scales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 845650.
4.Rao Zhiguo*, Wei Shikai, Li Yunxia*, Guo Haichun, Chen Fahu. Cooling or warming climatic background for the expansion of human activity in arid inland China and the Tibetan Plateau over the past ~4000 years? Science Bulletin, 2021, 66, 1936-1938.
5.Li Yunxia, Rao Zhiguo*, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Shengrui, Liu Xiaokang, Wang Zongli, Cheng Hai, Edwards R. Lawrence, and Chen Fahu. Environmental significance and inter-relationship of stalagmite δ13C and δ18O records from Zhenzhu Cave, north China, over the last 130 ka, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 536: 116149.
6.Li Yunxia, Tian Yiping, Guo Haichun, Wei Shikai, Cao Jiantao, Huang Chao, Shi Fuxi, and Rao Zhiguo*. Complex ‘human-vegetation-climate’ interactions in the late Holocene and their significance for paleotemperature reconstructions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020: 1922325117.
7.Li Yunxia, Zhang Shengrui, Liu Xiaokang, Gao Yongli, and Rao Zhiguo*. Variation of the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and drip water at Zhenzhu Cave, North China: a two-year monitoring study. Journal of Cave & Karst Studies, 2019, 81 (2): 123-135.
8.Li Yunxia*, Rao Zhiguo, Cao Jiantao, Jiang Hong, and Gao Yongli. Highly negative oxygen isotopes in precipitation in southwest China and their significance in paleoclimatic studies. Quaternary International, 2017, 440: 64-71.
9.光凯悦,李云霞*,田怡苹,李嘉燕,杨晨曦,朱同彬,黄庭悦,李苗发,雷国良,饶志国*. 稳定碳同位素在湘中千佛洞上覆土壤-滴水-现代沉积物的迁移特征研究. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(5): 1328-1342.
10.田怡苹, 李云霞*, 光凯悦, 李嘉燕, 朱珊莹, 高永利, 饶志国. 中国石笋生长速率时空变化特征的初步分析. 第四纪研究, 2023, 43(1): 20-32.
11.李嘉燕, 田怡苹, 光凯悦, 朱珊莹, 李云霞*, 高永利, 饶志国. 文石石笋发生矿物重结晶的影响因素及其古气候意义. 中国岩溶,2022, 41(4): 648-659.
12.李云霞, 饶志国*, 刘小康, 金明, 陈发虎. 我国和印度8个典型站点大气降水氧同位素与降水量的关系. 科学通报, 2015, 60 (8): 741-743.
5. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目:20B351,湖南省大沩山千佛洞洞穴现代监测研究,2021.01-2023.12,结题,主持;
7. 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金研究生创新项目:lzujbky-2016-240,秦岭南缘末次冰期石笋微量元素与同位素研究,2016.01-2018.12,结题,主持;
8.国家自然科学基金面上项目:42171156,基于阿勒泰和红原高山泥炭岩芯莎草植物残体α-纤维素δ13C/δ18O的过去五千年高分辨率温度历史重建, 2022.01-2025.12,在研,参与;
承担课程 / CTeaching Curriculum