联合国统计司(UNSD)、环境署(UNEP)研究项目,Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services [SSFA/2019/1487],参与
GuoJ, Li T, Wu T, Wang Z,Zou Z*, Peng C, Zhou X, Li P, Liu Z, Tang J, Zhang C. Drought and warming interaction cause substantial economic losses in the carbon market potential of China’s northern grasslands.Science of The Total Environment. 2024, 953, 176182.
Xu H1,Zou Z1, Jin Y, Kuzyakov Y, Huang X, Wu X, Zhu F. Assembly processes and co-occurrence of bacterial communities in tree rhizosphere under Pb-Zn contamination.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024, 476,135135.
LiT, Ge L, Zhao R, Peng C, Zhou X, Li P, Liu Z, Song H, Tang J, Zhang C, Li Q, Wang M*,Zou Z*. Phenolic compounds weaken the impact of drought on soil enzyme activity in global wetlands.Frontiers in Microbiology. 2024, 15.
宋昌素,邹梓颖*,李玄 等.县域生态产品总值的核算与实证.统计与决策, 2023, 39 (18): 56-60.
邹梓颖.湖南省生态产品价值(GEP)核算及其政策应用研究.湖南蓝皮书:2022年湖南生态文明建设报告. 2022,北京:社会科学文献出版社.
张籍,邹梓颖*.雅鲁藏布江流域生态产品总值(GEP)核算及其应用研究.生态经济, 2022,38 (10):167-172+227.
Zhang J, Liu Z, Shi Y,Zou Z*. Spatial Response of Ecosystem Service Value to Urbanization in Fragile Vegetation Areas Based on Terrain Gradient.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2022,19(22):15286.
ZouZ,Zou X. Geographicaland Ecological Differences inPepper Cultivation andConsumption in China.Frontiersin Nutrition, 2021, 8:718517.
Zou Z, Wu T, Xiao Y, Song C, Wang K, Ouyang Z. Valuing natural capital amidst rapid urbanization: assessing the gross ecosystem product (GEP) of China’s “Chang-Zhu-Tan” megacity.Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15:124019.
邹梓颖,肖燚,欧阳志云,宋昌素,王克林*.黔东南苗族侗族自治州生态保护成效评估.生态学报,2019,39 (04):1407-1415.
Ouyang Z, Song C, Zheng H, Polasky S, Xiao Y, Bateman I, Liu J, Ruckelshaus M, Shi F, Xiao Y, Xu W,Zou Z, Daily G. Using gross ecosystem product (GEP) to value nature in decision making.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(25):201911439.
Ren P, Li P, Zhou X, Liu Z, Tang J, Zhang C,Zou Z,Li T,Peng C. Shifts in plant phenology significantly affect the carbon allocation in different plant organs. Ecology Letters, 2024, 27, e70024.
Zhu Y, Liu C, Peng C, Zhou X, Xie B, Li T, Li P,Zou Z, Tang J, Liu Z. Applications of structural equation modeling in plant functional trait research. Environmental Reviews, 2024, 00, 1-14.
Yang M, Zhou X, Liu Z, Li P, Liu C, Huang H, Tang J, Zhang C,Zou Z, Xie B,Peng C. Dynamic carbon allocation trade-off: A robust approach to model tree biomass allometry.Methods in Ecology and Evolution,2024,00, 1–14.
Wang L, Li P, Li T, Zhou X, Liu Z,Zou Z, Zhu Q, Peng C. 2023. Grazing altersvegetation phenology by regulating regional environmental factors on the Tibetan Plateau.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2023, 351, 108479.
Zhu S, Tang J, Zhou X, Li P, Liu Z, Zhang C,Zou Z, Li T, Peng C.Spatiotemporal analysis of the impact of urban landscape forms on PM2. 5 in China from2001 to 2020.International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023, 16(1), pp.3417-3434.
Yang M, Zhou X, Peng C, Li T, Chen K, Liu Z, Li P, Zhang C, Tang J,ZouZ. Developing allometric equations to estimate forest biomass for tree speciescategories based on phylogenetic relationships.Forest Ecosystems, 2023, 10, 100130.
Zhu S, Tang J, Zhou X, Li P, Liu Z, Zhang C,Zou Z, Li T, Peng C.Research Progress, Challenges and Prospects of PM2.5 Concentration Estimation usingSatellite Data.Environmental Reviews. 2023,https://doi.org/10.1139/er-2022-0125
Zhang J, Shi Y, Xian C, Zhang L,Zou Z.How urbanization affect the ecosystem health of Tibet based on terrain gradients: a case study of Shannan, China.Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2022,8:1,2097449.
欧阳志云,肖燚,朱春全,郑华,邹梓颖,等.生态系统生产总值(GEP)核算理论与方法. 2021,北京:科学出版社.
欧阳志云,等.面向生态补偿的GEP和生态资产核算方法,试点区面向生态补偿的GEP和生态资产核算. 2017,北京:科学出版社.(章节作者)