张赐成,男,1988年生,湖南师范大学地理科学学院副教授。2018年博士毕业于北京师范大学,2018年至2021年在清华大学水利系从事博士后研究。主要研究领域(1)探究植物-水分之间的相互关系,植物如何响应和适应水分胁迫;(2)研究水循环过程对气候变化的响应,不同气候变化情景下,全球蒸散发和径流如何变化,以及植被的生态过程如何影响蒸散发和径流变化。近五年,主持国家自然科学基金(青年)与湖南省自然科学基金项目(青年),参与国家自然基金重大项目、国家自然科学重大研究计划、青海省科技厅重大项目等多项科研项目;在Journal of Hydrology, Geophysical Research Letters, Plant and Soil, Science of Total Environment等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇;担任Journal of Hydrology、Water Resource Research以及Plant and Soil期刊审稿人。2018年获北京师范大学优秀毕业生
2024.01- 至今: 湖南师范大学地理科学学院, 副教授
(6)国家自然科学基金面上项目,42277335,湖泊沉积泥沙微生物残体碳赋存规律与稳定机制研究, 53万元,2023-01至2026-12 在研,参与。
(7)青海省科技厅重大项目课题,2019SFA4, 柴达木盆地水资源系统模拟研究,2019/01-2022/12,280万元,项目骨干,参与。
(8)国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,41890821, 长江源及上游山区水循环演变及其驱动机制研究,2019/01-2023/12,409万元, 参与。
(9)国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,9142530,黑河流域生态系统结构特征与过程集成及生态情景研究, 2019/01-2022/12,900万,参与。
1. Zhang Cicheng, Yang Yuting, Yang Dawen, Wu Xiuchen, (2020) Multidimensional assessment of global dryland changes under future warming in climate projections, Journal of Hydrology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125618
2. Zhang Cicheng, Yang Yuting, Yang Dawen, Wang Zhengrong, Wu Xiuchen, Zhang Shulei, Zhang Wenjie. (2020) Vegetation Response to Elevated CO2 Slows Down the Eastward Movement of the 100th Meridian. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089681, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL089681
3. Zhang Cicheng, Li Xiao-Yan, Wang Yang, Wu Huawu, Wu Xiuchen, Wang Pei, Li Wei, Li Engui. (2019) Differences in response of two desert shrubs to amount and timing of simulated rainfall pulses in an arid inland river basin. Plant and Soil, 435: 239-255
4. Zhang Cicheng, Li Xiao-Yan, Wang Yang, Wu Huawu, Wu Xiuchen, Wang Pei, Li Wei, Li Engui (2017) Differential in water-use strategies along aridity gradient between two coexisting desert shrubs (R. soongorica and N. sphaerocarpa): Isotopic approaches with physiological evidence. Plant and Soil, 419(1-2): 169-187
5. Wang Yang, Zhang, Cicheng, Xiao Xiong, Wu Huawu, Zhang Jinhui. (2023). Water-use strategies and functional traits explain divergent linkages in physiological responses to simulated precipitation change. Science of The Total Environment, 908, 168238. (共同一作)
6. Xiao Xiong, Yu Zhengliang, Wang Jiaqi, Zhou Yongqiang, Liu Keshao, Liu Zhu, Wu Huawu, Zhang Cicheng. (2023). Hydrochemistry of surface waters in a permafrost headwater catchment in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128878. (通讯作者)
7. Li Jing, Tian Lihui, Xiao Xiong, Zhang Cicheng. (2023). Controls on daily to interannual variations of summer precipitation isotopic signatures from Qinghai Lake watershed, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-11. (通讯作者)
8. Wu Huawu; Fu Congsheng; Zhang Cicheng; Zhang Jianming; Wei Zhongwang; Zhang Xinping ; Temporal Variations of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation from Yungui Plateau:Insights from Moisture Source and Rainout Effect, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2022, 23(1): 39-51 (通讯作者)
9. Xiao Xiong, Wu Huawu, Zhang Fang, Zhang Cicheng, Zhong Yu, Wang Guanxing, & Qaiser, F. R. (2023). Subsurface Mixing of Different Soil Water Pools in a Permafrost-Underlain Headwater Catchment, Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 130478.
10. Yang Ronghua, He Xinguang, Li Jiajia, Zhang Cicheng, Zhang Xinping. (2023). Identifying multivariate controls of pan evaporation variations in subregions of Yangtze River Basin using multiple wavelet coherence. Hydrological Processes,37(9), e14999.
11. 张赐成, 韩广, 关华德, 鲍程辉, 章新平. (2014). 樟树和桂花树光合最适温度对环境温度改变的响应. 生态学杂志, 33(11), 2980-2987.
12. Wang Yang, Li Xiaoyan, Zhang Cicheng, Wu Xiuchen, Du Enzai, Wu Huawu. (2019). Responses of soil respiration to rainfall addition in a desert ecosystem: linking physiological activities and rainfall pattern. Science of The Total Environment, 650, 3007-3016
13. Fan, Ying,Li, Xiao-Yan,Huang, Heng,Wu, Xiu-Chen,Yu, Kai-Liang,Wei, Jun-Qi,Zhang, Cicheng,Wang, Pei,Hu, Xia,D'Odorico, Paolo (2019) Does phenology play a role in the feedbacks underlying shrub encroachment? Science of Total Environment, 657:1064-1073
14. Bai, Yan, Li, Xiaoyan, Zhou, Sha, Yang, Xiaofan, Yu, Kailiang, Wang Mengjie, Zhang Cicheng. (2019). Quantifying plant transpiration and canopy conductance using eddy flux data: an underlying water use efficiency method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271, 375-384.
15. Shi, Fangzhong, Wu, Xiuchen, Li, Xiaoyan, Wang, Pei, Yang Xiaofan, Li Yuanqiao, Zhang Cicheng, Pei Tingting Bai Yan, Tong Yaqing. (2019). Seasonal divergent tree growth trends and growth variability along drought gradient over northeastern china. Forests, 10(1).
16. Liu, Na, Buckley, T. N, He Xinguang, Zhang, Xinping, Zhang Cicheng, & Luo Zidong. (2019). Improvement of a simplified process‐based model for estimating transpiration under water-limited conditions. Hydrological Processes, 33(12), 1670-1685.
17. Wang, Pei, Deng Yujing, Li, Xiaoyan, Wei Zhengwang, Hu Xian, Tian Fei, Zhang Cicheng. (2019). Dynamical effects of plastic mulch on evapotranspiration partitioning in a mulched agriculture ecosystem: measurement with numerical modeling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268, 98-108.
18. Wu Xiuchen,Guo Weichao,Liu Hongyan,Li Xiaoyan,Peng Changhui,Allen Craig D,Zhang Cicheng,Wang Pei,Pei Tingting,Ma Yujun,Tian Yuhong,Chen Deliang (2019) Exposures to temperature beyond threshold disproportionately reduce vegetation growth in the northern hemisphere, National Science Review, 6(4):786-795
19. Wu Huawu, Li Jing, Fan Song, He Bin, Zhang Cicheng (2018) Spatial and temporal patterns of stable water isotopes along the Yangtze River during two drought years. Hydrological Process, 32(1): 4-16.
20. Wu Huawu,Li Jing,Li Xiao-Yan,He Bin,Liu Jinzhao,Jiang Zhiyun,Zhang Cicheng,Aroca Ricardo (2018). Contrasting response of coexisting plant's water-use patterns to experimental precipitation manipulation in an alpine grassland community of qinghai lake watershed, china. Plos One, 13(4), e0194242.
21. Wu Huawu, Li, Jing, Zhang Cicheng, He, Bin, Zhang, H, & Wu Xiuchen. (2018). Determining root water uptake of two alpine crops in a rainfed cropland in the qinghai lake watershed: first assessment using stable isotopes analysis. Field Crops Research, 215, 113-121.
22. Wu, Xiuchen,Li, Xiaoyan,Liu,Hongyan,Ciais, Philippe,Li, Yuanqiao,Xu, Chongyang,Babst, Flurin,Guo, Weichao,Hao, Bingyan,Wang, Pei,Huang, Yongmei,Liu, Shaomin,Tian, Yuhong,He, Bin,Zhang, Cicheng (2018). Uneven winter snow influence on tree growth across temperate china. Global Change Biology, 25:1-11
23. Wu Xiuchen, Liu Hongyan, Li Xiaoyan, P Ciais, F Babst, Guo Weichao, Zhang Cicheng, Vincenzo M, Marian, S Liu, S., Huang Y, Wang P, Shi C, (2017). Differentiating drought legacy effects on vegetation growth over the temperate Northern Hemisphere Global Change Biology. 24(1): 504-516
24. Liu Na, Guan Huade, Luo Zhidong, Zhang Cicheng, Zhang Xinping. (2016). Examination of a coupled supply-and demand-induced stress function for root water uptake modeling. Hydrology Research, 68(1):67-76.
25. Wu Huawu, Li Xiao-Yan, Jiang Zhiyun, Chen Huiyi, Zhang Cicheng, Xiao Xiong. (2016). Contrasting water use pattern of introduced and native plants in an alpine desert ecosystem, Northeast Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment, 542, 182-191.
26. Pei Ting, Wu Xiuchen, Li Xiao-Yan, Zhang Yu, Shi Fanzhong, Ma Yujun, Zhang Cicheng. (2016). Seasonal divergence in the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to climate and vegetation growth in the Yellow River Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.122(1): 103-118.