









1.  Li Zhongwu, Peng Hao, Xie Binggeng*, Liu  Chun, Nie Xiaodong, Wang Danyang, Huang Mei, Xiao Haibing, Shi Lin, Zhang Xuqin, Jiang Jieyu. Dissolved organic matter in surface runoff in the Loess Plateau of China: The role of rainfall events and land-use. Hydrological Processes,2020
2.Li Junhan,Zhou Kaichun,Dong Huimin,Xie Binggeng*.Cultivated Land Change, Driving Forces and Its Impact on Landscape Pattern Changes in the     Dongting Lake Basin.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2020
3.Shi Shana,Hu Baoqing,Yan Yan,Li Xiaoqing,Zhou Kaichun,Tang Chuanyong, Xie Binggeng*.Dynamic Evolution of the Ecological Carrying Capacity of Poverty-Stricken Karst Counties Based on Ecological Footprints: A Case Study in Northwestern Guangxi, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2020
4. Wu Li,Li Zhouhong,Zhang Yuan,Xie Binggeng*.Complex Behavior Analysis of a Fractional-Order Land Dynamical Model with Holling-II Type Land Reclamation Rate on Time Delay. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2020
5. Liu Cong, Xiang Wenhua*, Xie Binggeng*, Ouyang Shuai, Zeng Yelin,Lei Pifeng,Peng Changhui. Decoupling the Complementarity Effect and the Selection Effect on the Overyielding of Fine Root Production Along a Tree Species Richness Gradient in Subtropical Forests.Ecosystems,2020
8.Liu Cong,Liu Zelin, Xie Binggeng*,Liang Yuan, Li Xiaoqing,  Zhou Kaichun.Decoupling the Effect of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Carbon Sequestration of Vegetation in Mideast Hunan Province, China.Forests,2021
9.Li Junhan,Zhou Kaichun,Xie Binggeng*,Xiao Jianyong.Impact of landscape pattern change on water-related ecosystem services: Comprehensive analysis based on heterogeneity perspective.Ecological Indicators,2021
10.Xiao Jianyong, Xie Binggeng*, Zhou Kaichun,Shi Shana,Li Junhan,Yang Mingxia,Liu ChangChang.Assessment of soil erosion in the Dongting Lake Basin, China: Patterns, drivers, and implications.Plos One,2021
11.Li Junhan,Xie Binggeng*,Gao Chao,Zhou Kaichun,Liu Changchang,Zhao Wei,Xiao Jianyong,Xie Jing.Impacts of natural and human factors on water-related ecosystem services in the Dongting Lake Basin.Journal of  Cleaner Production,2022
12.Wu Li,Zhou Jing,Xie Binggeng*,Yang Sizhong,Li Jingzhong.Spatiotemporal differences of land use pattern between mountainous areas and basin areas at township scale: A case study of Yuxi City.Frontiers in Environmental Science,2022
13.Xiao Jianyong,Xie Binggeng*, Zhou Kaichun, Li Junhan, Xie Jing,Liang Chao.Contributions of Climate Change, Vegetation Growth, and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration to Variation in Water Use Efficiency in Subtropical China.Remote Sensing,2022
14.Wu Li,Yang Yanjun, Xie Binggeng*.Modeling Analysis on Coupling Mechanisms of Mountain-Basin Human-Land Systems: Take Yuxi City as an Example.Land,2022
17. Xuemao Zhang, Binggeng Xie * , Junhan Li and Chuan Yuan . Spatiotemporal Distribution and Driving Force Analysis of the Ecosystem Service Value in the Fujiang River Basin, China.Land,2023
18..Li Wu , Jing Zhou  and Binggeng Xie* .Comparative Analysis of Temporal‐Spatial Variation on   Mountain‐Flatland Landscape Pattern in Karst MountainousAreas of Southwest China: A Case Study of Yuxi City.Land,2023.
19. 谢亚文,李晓青,周楷淳,谢炳庚*. 城市旅游抖音关注度空间分布及影响因素 ——以长江中游城市群为例,经济地理,2023.
20. Yun Xie, Zhiying Wang, Yi Fan,Jin Huang, Binggeng Xie*. Application of GIS image system and remote sensing technology in physical geography land planning. Soft Computing ,2023.
21. Jing Xie, Binggeng Xie *, Kaichun Zhou, Junhan Li, Jianyong Xiao, Changchang Liu, Xuemao Zhang. Evolution of bird habitat quality driving mechanisms and ecological network weights.Global Ecology and Conservation,2023.
22.Li Wu , Yanjun Yang  , Hailan Yang , Binggeng Xie* , and Weiqun Luo .A Comparative Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Topographic Gradient Effect between Mountains and Flatlands of Southwest China.Land,2023.
23 Jing Xie, Binggeng Xie * , Kaichun Zhou, Junhan Li, Jianyong Xiao, Changchang Liu and Xuemao Zhang. Multiple Probability Ecological Network and County-Scale Management.Land,2023.
24. Jing Xie , Binggeng Xie *, Kaichun Zhou , Junhan Li , Jianyong Xiao , Changchang Liu , Xuemao Zhang. Factors impacting ecological network in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration, China—Based on the perspective of functional performance. Ecological Indicators,2023.
25. Junhan Li , Binggeng Xie* , Huimin Dong , Kaichun Zhou , Xuemao Zhang . The impact of urbanization on ecosystem services: Both time and space are important to identify driving forces. Journal of Environmental Management,2023
26. Jianyong Xiao , Binggeng Xie *, Kaichun Zhou , Chao Liang , Junhan Li , Jing Xie , Xuemao Zhang. Bidirectional dependency between vegetation and terrestrial water storage in China. Journal of Hydrology,2023.
27. Xuemao Zhang , Binggeng Xie *, Kaichun Zhou , Junhan Li , Chuan Yuan , Jianyong Xiao
, Jing Xie . Mapping ecosystem service clusters and exploring their driving mechanisms in karst peak-cluster depression regions in China . Ecological Indicators,2024.
28.Xiaofei Pang , Binggeng Xie*, Rucheng Lu , Xuemao Zhang , Jing Xie  and Shaoyin Wei. Spatial–Temporal Differentiation and Driving Factors of Cultivated Land Use Transition in Sino–Vietnamese Border Areas.Land,2024.
29. Xiaofei Pang, Binggeng Xie * , Xuemao Zhang, Jing Xie and Jianyong Xiao. Matched Relationships and Mechanisms of Water and Land Resources in Karst Mountainous Areas: A Review,Land,2024.
30..Jianyong Xiao  , Binggeng Xie* , Kaichun Zhou  , Weixiang Li  , Chao Liang a, Junhan Li a, Jing Xie  , Xuemao Zhang  , Xiaofei Pang.Responses of hydrological processes to vegetation greening and climate change in subtropical watersheds,Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,2024              




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