刘窑军:博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2014年博士毕业于华中农业大学,主要从事土壤侵蚀及生态修复等方面研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、国家重点研发计划子课题等国家级项目6项,在Journal of Hydrology、Science of the Total Environment、Catena、水科学进展、农业工程学报、土壤学报等国内外主流学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,授权专利4项,参编专著3部。
1.Liu Yaojun, Wang Tianwei*, Cai Chongfa, Li Zhaoxia, Cheng Dongbing. Effects of vegetation on runoff generation, sediment yield and soil shear strength on road-side slopes under a simulation rainfall test in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2014. 485-486: 93-102. (中科院1区TOP)
2.Liu Yaojun, Hu Jianmin, Wang Tianwei*, Cai Chongfa, Li Zhaoxia, Zhang Yu. Effects of vegetation cover and road-concentrated flow on fillslope erosion in rainfall and scouring simulation tests in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Catena. 2016. 136: 108-117. (中科院1区TOP)
3.Liu Yaojun, Yang Jie*, Hu Jianmin, Tang Chongjun, Zhen Haijin. Characteristics of the runoff generation and sediment yield to the rainfall regime and land-cover by long-term in-situ observation in the red soil region, South China. Journal of Hydrology. 2016. 539. 457-467. (中科院1区TOP)
4.Duan Jian1, Liu Yaojun1, Yang Jie*, Tang Chongjun, Shi Zhihua. Role of groundcover management in controlling soil erosion under extreme rainfall in citrus orchards of southern China. Journal of Hydrology. 2020. 582,124290. (中科院1区TOP)
5.Deng Chuxiong, Liu Junyu, Liu Yaojun*, Li Zhongwu*, Nie Xiaodong, Hu Xiaoqian, Wang Lingxia, Zhang Yuting, Zhang Guangye, Zhu Damei, Xiao Linhui. Spatiotemporal dislocation of urbanization and ecological construction increased the ecosystem service supply and demand imbalance. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021. 288: 112478. (中科院1区TOP)
6.Deng Chuxiong, Zhu Damei, Nie Xiaodong, Liu Changchang, Zhang Guangye, Liu Yaojun*, Li Zhongwu*, Wang Shuyuan, Ma Yichun. Precipitation and urban expansion caused jointly the spatiotemporal dislocation between supply and demand of water provision service. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021. 299: 113660. (中科院1区TOP)
7.Ma Yichun1, Li Zhongwu1, Deng Chuxiong*, Yang Jie, Tang Chongjun, Duan Jian, Zhang Ziwei, Liu Yaojun*. Effects of tillage-induced soil surface roughness on surface-subsurface flow generation and soil loss in the red soil sloping farmland of southern China. Catena. 2022. 213. 106230. (中科院1区TOP)
8.Li Wenqing, Shen Faxing, Liu Yaojun*, Li Zhongwu*, Jiang Jinfeng, Li Qi, Zheng Han, Wang Xi, Wu Jin. Soil depth determine the ecological stoichiometry of soil aggregates after returning ancient rice terraces to forest. Catena. 2022. 219. 106587. (中科院1区TOP)
9.Li Wenqing, Li Zhongwu*, Liu Yaojun*, Nie Xiaodong, Deng Chuxiong, Zhang Guangye, Wang Shuyuan, Xiao Tao, Zheng Han. Reshaping of soil carbon and nitrogen content in quincentennial ancient rice terraces: the role of short-term abandonment and prokaryotic functional groups. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022. 13. 1007237. (中科院2区TOP)
10.Yang Zhimin, Li Chunhui, Liu Yaojun*, Duan Jian, Zhang Lichao, Li Zhongwu, Zhou Xiangyu, Li Qi, Ma Yichun, Tian Liang. Roles of the stolon and erect grass species in surface–subsurface flow generation and red soil loss. Journal of Hydrology. 2023. 617: 128827. (中科院1区TOP)
11.Deng Chuxiong, Wang Shuyuan, Liu Yaojun*, Li Zhongwu*, Zhang Guangye, Li Wenqing, Liu Changchang. Evolution of livelihood vulnerability in rice terrace systems: Evidence from households in the Ziquejie terrace system in China. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2023. 7. 1031504.(中科院1区TOP)
12.Li Wenqing, Liu Yaojun*, Zheng Han, Wu Jin, Yuan Haiqun, Wang Xi, Xie Wenbin, Qin Yue, Zhu Huade, Xiaodong Nie, Li Zhongwu. Complex vegetation patterns improve soil nutrients and maintain stoichiometric balance of terrace wall aggregates over long periods of vegetation recovery. Catena. 2023. 227: 107141.(中科院1区TOP)
13.Ma Yichun, Liu Yaojun*, Tian Liang, Long Yu, Lei Ming, Duan Jian, Yang Jie, Nie Xiaodong, Li Zhongwu. Roles of soil surface roughness in surface-subsurface flow regulation and sediment sorting. Journal of Hydrology. 2023. 623: 129834. (中科院1区TOP)
14.Li Wenqing, Liu Yaojun*, Guo Zirong, Li Yaqun, Hou Yinglong, Long Yu, Lei Ming, Guo Yinghui, Nie Xiaodong, Li Zhongwu. Divergent control and variation of bacterial and fungal necromass carbon respond to the abandonment of rice terraces. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023. 344: 118617.(中科院1区TOP)
15.Ma Yichun, Liu Yaojun*, Tian Liang, Yang Yifan, Long Yu, Lei Ming, Zhang Ziwei, Li Qi, Zhu Huade, Li Zhongwu. Effects of rainfall pattern and soil surface roughness on surface-subsurface hydrological response and particle size distribution of red soil slope. Catena. 2023. 232. 107422.(中科院1区TOP)
16.Zheng Han, Wang Xi, Wu Jin, Li Wenqing, Tan Changyin, Chen Yuan, Zhang Feng, Duan Jian, Li Zhongwu, Liu Yaojun*. Long-term impacts of extensive terracing on soil aggregates and associated C–N–P in the Camellia Oleifera orchard of southern China. Catena. 2023.233.107512.(中科院1区TOP).