




系 科:地理科学系


曹伟成,男,湖南师范大学地理科学学院讲师。2022年毕业于湖南大学,获工学博士学位。主要研究方向为环境污染物(重金属、新污染物)在环境介质中的行为、归趋与生态毒理;水体、土壤、湿地污染生态修复。先后以第一,第二作者在国际学术期刊ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Science: Nano,Environmental Pollution上发表SCI论文7篇;授权国家发明专利3项;参与国家自然基金项目、湖南省及广东省自然科学基金、深圳市自然科学基金等多项科研项目。


2017.09-2022.06湖南大学 环境科学与工程工学博士,

2014.09-2017.06湖南大学 环境工程 工学硕士,


2022.09-现在 湖南师范大学 讲师



国家自然科学基金青年项目“群体感应对土壤功能菌群锑转化过程的内在调控机制”(No. 42307524),2024.1-2026.12,主持



国家自然科学基金面上项目“活性炭结合碳纳米管材料修复洞庭湖洲滩湿地有机氯农药污染的微观机理研究”(No. 51579095),2016.01~2019.12,参与

湖南省面上项目“不同淹水条件下典型工程纳米材料对底泥中锑(III/V)的环境行为和生态毒性影响研究”(No. 2021JJ30091),2021.01.01~2023.12.31,参与

湖南省生态环境厅环境监测中心项目“污染土壤中锑或铊赋存形态及其迁移转化规律研究”(No. SKLMHM202104),2021.07.31~2022.07.31,参与

深圳市科技研发资金项目“堆肥材料结合生物炭稳定修复深圳市茅洲河黑臭河道重金属污染底泥及改良底泥的生态资源利用”(No. JCYJ20210324121414039),2021.10.28~2024.10.31,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目“植物-微生物对底泥中典型工程纳米材料-锑(III/V)的生态毒性响应及与工程纳米材料联合修复锑污染研究”(No. 2022A1515010903),2022.01.01~2024.12.31,参与



  1. Bolin Li, Zhongwu Li, Jia Chen, Changsheng Jin,Weicheng Cao, Bo Peng.Humic-like components in dissolved organic matter inhibit cadmium sequestration by sediment. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2025, 150: 645-656.

  2. Weicheng Cao,Jilai Gong*, Meng Qin, Lei Qin, Siyuan Fang, Juan Li, Siqun Tang, Zikang Tan, Xin Li, Zengping Chen. Biodegradable microplastics affect thewheatgrasstraits, Fe-plaque development involving in Sb accumulation and microbial community functions inantimony-contaminatedriparianwetland.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022,10: 5847-5858.

  3. Weicheng Cao,Jilai Gong*, Guangming Zeng, Meng Qin, Lei Qin, Yiqiu Zhang, Siyuan Fang, Juan Li, Siqun Tang and Zengping Chen. Impacts of typical engineering nanomaterials on the response of rhizobacteria communities and rice (Oryza sativaL.) growths in waterlogged antimony-contaminated soils.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 430(15): 128385.

  4. Weicheng Cao, Rilong Zhu,Jilai Gong,Tingyu Yang, Guangming Zeng, Biao Song, Juan Li, Siyuan Fang, Meng Qin, Lei Qin, Zengping Chen, Xiaoqian Mao. Evaluating the metabolic functional profiles of the microbial community and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) traits affected by the presence of carbon nanotubes and antimony in drained and waterlogged sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 420: 126593.

  5. Weicheng Cao,Jilai Gong*, Guangming Zeng*, Biao Song, Peng Zhang, Juan Li, Siyuan Fang, Siqun Tang, Jun Ye, and Zhe Cai. Potential interactions between three common metal oxide nanoparticles and antimony(III/V) involving their uptake, distribution, and phytotoxicity to soybean. ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering, 2020, 8(27): 10125-10141.

  6. Weicheng Cao,Jilai Gong*,Guangming Zeng, Biao Song, Peng Zhang, Juan Li, Siyuan Fang, Lei Qin, Jun Ye and Zhe Cai. Mutual effects of silver nanoparticles and antimony(III)/(V) co-exposed toGlycine max(L.) Merr. in hydroponic systems: Uptake, translocation, physiochemical responses, and potential mechanisms. Environmental Science: Nano, 2020, 7: 2691-2707.

  7. Weicheng Cao,Jilai Gong*,Guangming Zeng, Biao Song, Peng Zhang, Juan Li, Siyuan Fang, Siqun Tang, Lei Qin, Jun Ye, Zhe Cai. Abiotic mediation of common ions on the co-exposure of CeO2NPs with Sb (III) or Sb (V) toGlycine max(Linn.) Merrill. (soybean): Impacts on uptake, accumulation and physiochemical characters. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267: 115594.

  8. Xin Li,Weicheng Cao*, Yunguo Liu, Guangming Zeng, Wei Zeng, Lei Qin, and Tingting Li.The property variation of magnetic mesoporous carbon modified by aminated hollow magnetic nanospheres: Synthesis, characteristic and sorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017,5(1): 179-188.

