
2015年和2021年分别获得西北农林科技大学学士和博士学位。2022至2024年在湖南师范大学进行博士后研究。2024年到湖南师范大学工作。近三年主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后面上项目、湖南省自然科学基金等多项科研项目。在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Geoderma、Plant and Soil等期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇。承担本科生综合自然地理学、环境学概论等课程教学。

欢迎对我的研究感兴趣的研究生随时联系。同时,也欢迎各学科本科生利用课余时间加入从事科研项目、完成毕业论文。请发邮件直接与我联系(18792491674@163.com 或litong585072@nwafu.edu.cn)。








1. 方向一:湿地生态系统土壤碳和磷循环、水文特征,以及土壤与植物的相互关系【基于实测试验】。

2. 方向二:区域或全球大尺度上,土壤与植物的酶学过程,以及土壤碳氮磷循环过程对气候变化的响应【基于整合分析和大数据】。





1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42201064,水位下降经土壤磷与木本植物交互作用对泥炭地有机碳分解的影响机理,2023年1月-2025年12月,在研,主持.

2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2023JJ40440,洞庭湖湿地系统磷碳交互作用及其对干旱的响应,2023年1月-2025年12月,在研,主持.

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022M721119,长白山泥炭地土壤碳氮获取酶活性协同变化的底物与环境影响机理,2023年1月-2024年12月,已结题,主持.

4. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,洞庭湖流域典型自然生态系统碳汇功能演变规律及影响机制,2023年1月-2026年12月,在研,参与.


1. 国家级大学生创新项目,中国典型湿地土壤碳氮获取酶活性协同变化的底物与环境影响机理,2023年4月-2025年4月,主持人:朱依航,指导老师:李通、刘泽麟.



1. Chen, K.X.,Li, T.* (李通), Yang, M.X., Zhou, X.L., Peng, C.H., 2024. The effects of environmental factors and plant diversity on forest carbon sequestration vary between eastern and western regions of China. Journal of Cleaner Production 437, 14037.

2. Li,T. (李通), Ge, L.M.#, Zhao, R.T., Zhou, X.L., Li, P., Liu, Z.L., Song, H.X., Tang, J.Y., Zhang, C.C., Li, Q., Wang, M., Ziying, Z., 2024. Phenolic compounds weaken the impact of drought on soil enzyme activity in global wetlands. Frontiers in Microbiology 15, 1372866.

3. Ren, P.X., Li, P., Zhou, X.L., Liu, Z.L., Tang, J.Y., Zhang, C.C., Zou, Z.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Peng, C.H., 2024. Shifts in plant phenology significantly affect the carbon allocation in different plant organs. Ecology Letters 27, e70024.

4. Song, H.X., Peng, C.H., Zhu, Q.A., Chen, Z., Blanchet, J.P., Liu, Q.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Li, Peng, Liu, Z.L., 2024. Quantification and uncertainty of global upland soil methane sinks: Processes, controls, model limitations, and improvement. Earth-Science Reviews 252, 104758.

5. Zhu, Y.H., Liu, C., Peng, C.H., Zhou, X.L., Xie, B.G.,Li, T. (李通), Li, P., Zou, Z.Y., Tang, J.Y., Liu, Z.L., 2024. Applications of structural equation modeling in plant functional trait research. Environmental Reviews 00, 1-14.

6. Li, Q., Zhang, C., Shi, M., Lv, J.H., Peng, C.H., Zhang, J.B., Chang, S.X., Cao, T.T.,Li, T. (李通), Song, X.Z., 2024. Long-term nitrogen addition has a positive legacy effect on soil respiration in Moso bamboo forests. Geoderma 452, 117092.

7. Peng, Y., Li, P., Zhou, X.L., Luo, Y.P., Zhang, C.C., Wang, L.J.,Li, T. (李通), Peng, C.H., 2024. Divergent contributions of spring and autumn photosynthetic phenology to seasonal carbon uptake of subtropical vegetation in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 34, 1280-1296.

8. Guo, J.W.,Li, T. (李通), Wu, T., Wang, Z.G., Peng, C.H., Zhou, X.L., Li, P., Liu, Z.L., Tang, J.Y., Zhang, C.C., 2024. Drought and warming interaction cause substantial economic losses in the carbon market potential of China's northern grasslands. Science of the Total Environment 953, 176182.

9. Xie, Q.Q., Chen, K.X.,Li, T. (李通), Liu, J., Wang, Y.Q., Zhou, X.L., 2024. Heat and drought have exacerbated the midday depresssion observed in a subtropical fir forest by a geostationary satellite. Forests 15, 1572.

10. Bai, W.C., Zhang, C.C., Xiao, X., Li, P., Liu, Z.L., Tang, J.Y., Zou, Z.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Zhou, X.L., Peng, C.H., 2024. Characteristics of meteorological drought evolution in the Yangtze River Basin. Water 16, 3391.


11. Ge, L.M., Chen, C.,Li, T. (李通), Bu, Z.J., Wang, M., 2023. Contrasting effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on fine root production and morphological traits of different plant functional types in an ombrotrophic peatland. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-023-06087-3.

12. Song, H.X., Zhu, Q.A., Blanchet, J.P., Chen, Z., Zhang, K.R.,Li, T. (李通), Feng, Z., Peng, C.H., 2023. Central role of nitrogen fertilizer relative to water management in determining direct nitrous oxide emissions from global rice-based ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37, e2023GB007744.

13. Song, H.X., Peng, C.H., Zhang, K.R.,Li, T. (李通), Yang, M.X., Liu, Q.Y., Zhu, Q.A., 2023. Quantifying patterns, sources and uncertainty of nitrous oxide emissions from global grazing lands: Nitrogen forms are the determinant factors for estimation and mitigation. Global and Planetary Change 223, 104080.

14. Wang, L.J., Li, P.,Li, T. (李通), Zhou, X.L., Liu, Z.L., Zou, Z.Y., Zhu, Q.A., Peng, C.H., 2023. Grazing alters vegetation phenology by regulating regional environmental factors on the Tibetan Plateau. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 351, 108479.

15. Yang, M.X., Zhou, X.L., Peng, C.H.,Li, T. (李通), Chen, K.X., Liu, Z.L., Li, P., Zhang, C.C., Tang, J.Y., Zou, Z.Y., 2023. Developing allometric equations to estimate forest biomass for tree species categories based on phylogenetic relationships. Forest Ecosystems 10, 100130.

16. Zhu, S.T., Tang, J.Y., Zhou, X.L., Li, P., Liu, Z.L., Zhang, C.C., Zou, Z.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Peng, C.H., 2023. Researchprogress,challenges andprospects of PM2.5concentrationestimation usingsatellitedata. Environmental Reviews. DOI: 10.1139/er-2022-0125.

17. Zhu, S.T., Tang, J.Y., Zhou, X.L., Li, P., Liu, Z.L., Zhang, C.C., Zou, Z.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Peng, C.H., 2023. Spatiotemporal analysis of the impact of urban landscape pattern on PM2.5 in China from 2001 to 2020. International Journal of Digital Earth 16, 3417-3434.

18. Ren, P.X., Li, P., Tang, J.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Liu, Z.L., Zhou, X.L., Peng, C.H., 2023. Satellite monitoring reveals short-term cumulative and time-lag effect of drought and heat on autumn photosynthetic phenology in subtropical vegetation. Environmental Research 239, 117364.


19. Li, T. (李通), Yuan, X., Ge, L.M., Cao, C.H., Suo, Y.C., Bu, Z.J., Peng, C.H., Song, H.X., Liu, Z.P., Liu, S.S., Wang, M., 2022. Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat: Evidence from physicochemical properties. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 973626.

20. Cao, C.H., Huang, J.J., Ge, L.M.,Li, T. (李通), Bu, Z.J., Wang, S.Z., Wang, Z.C., Liu, Z.P., Liu, S.S., Wang, M., 2022. Does shift in vegetation abundance after nitrogen and phosphorus addition play a key role in regulating fungal community structure in a northern peatland? Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 920382.


21. Li, T. (李通), Peng, C.H., Bu, Z.J., Zhu, Q.A., Song, H.X., Guo, X.Y., Wang, M., 2021. Woody plants reduce the sensitivity of soil extracellular enzyme activity to nutrient enrichment in wetlands: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 159, 108280.

22. Guo, X.Y., Peng, C.H.,Li, T. (李通), Huang, J.J., Song, H.X., Zhu, Q.A., Wang, M., 2021. The effects of drought and re-watering on non-structural carbohydrates ofPinus tabulaeformis seedings. Biology 10, 281.

23. Li, T. (李通), Ge, L.M., Huang, J.J., Yuan, X., Peng, C.H., Wang, S.Z., Bu, Z.J., Zhu, Q.A., Wang, Z.C., Liu, W.G., Wang, M., 2020. Contrasting responses of soil exoenzymatic interactions and the dissociated carbon transformation to short- and long-term drainage in a minerotrophic peatland. Geoderma 377, 114585.

24. 葛乐明,李通,袁欣,黄晶晶,王升忠,卜兆君,王猛, 2020.短期排水下泥炭酶活性和碳循环过程的模拟实验研究.湿地科学18, 730-739.

25. Song, H.X., Huang, J.J., Ge, L.M., Peng, C.H., Zhao, P.X., Guo, X.Y.,Li, T. (李通), Shen, X.J., Zhu, Q.A., Liu, W.G., Wei, H., Wang, M., 2020. Interspecific difference in N:P stoichiometric homeostasis drives nutrient release and soil microbial community composition during decomposition. Plant and Soil 452, 29-42.

26. Li, T. (李通), Bu, Z.J., Liu, W.Y., Zhang, M.Y., Peng, C.H., Zhu, Q.A., Shi, S.W., Wang, M., 2019. Weakening of the ‘enzymatic latch’ mechanism following long-term fertilization in a minerotrophic peatland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 136, 107528.

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