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发布人:李鹏日期:2023年11月28日 15:25浏览数:


  • 基于叶绿素荧光的青藏高原植被枯黄期对极端气候变化的响应研究;国家自然科学基金青年基金(批准号:41901117);资助金额26万元;起止年月:2020年01月至 2022年12月;项目负责人:李鹏;已结题。


  • 揭示了青藏高原植被物候对不同强度、频率极端气候的响应机制,构建了基于多个极端气候指标的秋季物候预测模型,为高寒植被物候机理模型的建立提供新的理论框架。

  • 证实了青藏高原植被物候对不同强度极端温度和降水的差异化响应模式,探索了植被生长的最适温度和降水阈值,为高寒植被如何响应气候变化提供了新的见解。

  • 阐明了植被物候与城市化、放牧强度等人类活动的关系,揭示了人类活动通过改变环境因素影响物候的机制,为将人类活动融入未来植被物候模型提供了新的理论支撑。


  • Wang, M., Li, P*., Peng, C., Xiao, J., Zhou, X., Luo, Y., Zhang, C. 2022. Divergent responses of autumn vegetation phenology to climate extremes over northern middle and high latitudes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (11), 2281–2296. (中科院1区top刊物)(图1)

  • Sun, M., Li, P*., Ren, P., Tang, J*., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., Peng, C. 2023. Divergent response of vegetation phenology to extreme temperatures and precipitation of different intensities on the Tibetan Plateau. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences (中国科学: 地球科学), 66. (中科院1区top刊物)(图2)

  • Li, P., Liu, Z., Zhou, X., Xie, B., Li, Z., Luo, Y., Zhu, Q., Peng, C. 2021. Combined control of multiple extreme climate stressors on autumn vegetation phenology on the Tibetan Plateau under past and future climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309 (4),108571. (中科院1区top刊物)(图3)Wang, L., Li, P*., Li, T., Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Zou, Z., Zhu, Q., Peng, C*. 2023. Grazing alters vegetation phenology by regulating regional environmental factors on the Tibetan Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 351, 108479. (中科院1区top刊物) (图4)

  • Du, H., Wang, M., Liu, Y., Guo, M., Peng, C., Li, P*. 2022. Responses of autumn vegetation phenology to climate change and urbanization at northern middle and high latitudes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 115, 103086. (中科院1区top刊物)


审核人:杨文 饶志国



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